Tuesday, 23 July 2013

Its a Boy for William and Kate

Hi Lovelies,

Well, what a long but exciting day it has been.

As predicted - in the world of Social Media - it was a tweet from a photographer who just happened to be in the right place at the right time - that started the frenzy.
He happened to be in a side entrance of St. Mary's Lindo Wing and saw the sight of his life this morning at just after 5.30am - he chose to not photograph her, but to just tweet that he had seen her enter the hospital.

He tweeted that he had just seen Kate and Wills and their security detail enter the hospital shortly before 5.40am and Kensington Palace confirmed this at 7.30am.

Well since that moment, we all held our breath. It was the hottest day of the year, so muggy and uncomfortably warm -  but it did not matter. We all waited and waited for an update, and it finally came at 8.30 this evening.
Kate had (in true Royal style) been delivered of a son - The new Prince and 3rd in line to the throne.
He was born at 4.24pm weighing a very healthy 8lbs & 6oz.

It was so exciting - I was convinced she was having a girl - what do I know - but I was very proud to be British today.

Prince William stated this evening that he and the Duchess could not be happier.

The BT Tower informed anybody who didn't yet know that we had a new Prince!

The queen arrived back at Buckingham Palace this afternoon from Windsor

The fountains turned blue to welcome a Baby Boy

William is staying with Kate and the baby tonight (how cute is that), and all being well, they will leave hospital tomorrow, sparking the picture that EVERYBODY wants to see

It will be an emotional picture for sure

but on a lighter note - when you think you couldnt love the down to earth couple any more
Their driver delivered Pizza to them in the hospital this evening .........

Baby Boy Cambridge has started his incredible life.

Thanks for reading xx

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