Thursday, 14 November 2013

You are held in a Queue ……………………. Thanks Isabel Marant !!

Hi Lovelies,

I was on a mission this morning. Nothing would stop me in my quest to secure my Isabel Marant Dress from H&M. Months of planning depended on it ……….

If only H&M and their IT department had got the memo!!

At 8.30 I logged in and I couldn't believe that I could view all of the pieces already. At that point you couldn't choose sizes, but you were able to see everything and choose what you wanted to purchase before the launch started at 9am. So I snuggled in with a cup of tea thinking wow - this is so cool, and also, at this point I was a little smug - imagining devoted people who were out in the cold queueing up for hours.

9.01am came and I managed to put my wish list into my basket in record time, proceed to checkout, and then … … ..

Nada!!! Nothing happened, and then nothing happened again and again and again -
and so the farce began!

Yep - Marant had managed to crash the entire system in under 90 seconds! 
A message flashed up saying they were closed until approx 9.15am ……. and that became 9.30am ………… and then 10am ……… and then they would be closed until 10.30 …….. you get the idea.

I refreshed my page more times than I care to recount - FOR 2 HOURS!!!!
I swear I have a blister on my fingers heheheeee!
I drank tea, moaned with all my friends on Twitter (there was something strangely lovely about us all being in the same boat - nobody could buy a thing!)

And then at 11am the site sprang back to life - only to inform me that all the items in my basket were now out of stock! I did scream a little bit I have to say at that point

But going back into the site, there were some sizes left so I tried again and it let me check out

but not my dress :(

H&M knew that this collaboration would be their biggest yet - how they were so woefully unprepared is anybody's guess - is it weird that I was thinking of people all around the world doing the same thing and wondering what they were wearing and how they were behaving - were they getting as frustrated (and bored) as me!!!

So here is what I have managed to buy - at this point I still would not be surprised if H&M cancel our orders

Isabel Marant cropped Waxed Biker Jeans in Wine £69.99

and in the Black

I was so happy as they were both on my wish-list

I managed to check out and almost immediately after that they were Sold-Out in every size
(they are now selling on Ebay for £199.99)

I also managed to grab one of the scarves I had wanted

Isabel Marant Metallic Scarf £29.99

and I was just fast enough to get this beautiful Tuxedo Jacket
which is pure wool with Silk Lapels

Isabel Marant Wool Jacket £79.00
Some greedy idiots on Ebay have this listed with now with a buy it now price of £800! Err Hello - its still H&M at the end of the day!

But I could not get my dress - it has completely and utterly sold out.
I had kind of told myself that this was going to happen

I blame Rosie Huntingdon Whiteley for making it look this good

and Kirsten Dunst!

Silk Dress with Gathered Sleeves £69.99

So, for this - I am going to have to bite the bullet and stalk Ebay ……….

By lunchtime - every single piece from the collection was Sold Out

So, is it hype - probably! But getting a little piece of Parisian Chic in the shape of Marant for a great price was worth the adrenaline fuelled cups of tea, the frustration and the stress - now lets just hope they fulfil the orders!

I would love to know if you managed to get any pieces - or if you were trying like I was.

I will keep you posted on my dress search …………

Thanks for reading x

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