Tuesday, 10 December 2013

December so far, in a nutshell!!!!

Hi Lovelies,

So sorry that I have been too busy to blog,  December is manic for everybody though isn't it!

But it does at least means that I have lots to share!

OK, well Christmas present buying and wrapping is almost all done now, and the tree has gone up …

and we have had lots of lovely Christmas evenings out already - I am now officially 70% cocktails and still have quite a few nights to come!

I loved wearing this red dress

with Sparkly Louboutins 

and I picked up a few little pieces while Christmas Shopping

I love this skirt. It is so pretty and a great price

you can dress it down for day with a sweater too!

Chiffon Polka Dot Skirt - Zara £29.99

and I got these little Dune Boots - I have already worn them and they are so easy to walk in!

'Havalta Laser Cut Laser Boots - Dune £99

they are very similar to the Jimmy Choo ones

'Dane" Suede Ankle Boots - Jimmy Choo £695

and I spotted the heart blouse from Topshop that I wanted in store again!

Heart Print Blouse - Topshop £38

oooh and I got a new piercing! I figured if it was good enough for Jennifer Aniston, it was good enough for me!

Ok, so I have pretty much summed up the whole of December to date! I would love to hear what you are up to and what presents you have been buying!

Thanks for reading and I promise I won't leave it so long until the next blog.

Jools xx


Style At Every Age said...

Good to hear the shoe boots are so comfy, I really want them but gonna wait for another 20% off! x

Unknown said...

also see if they go on sale at Topshop honey as they are £10 cheaper there to begin with :) x

Lara said...

Heey dear.:)

You have a very beautyful blog <3

Maybe you want to follow my blog via gfc or like it on facebook ?



Lara ♥